Journal copyediting
Arctic Journal: Ongoing copyediting and queries for this interdisciplinary journal with a strong scientific focus – 2023.
Year-end reports
Editors’ Association of Canada Annual Report, 2021: Provided copyediting for the Editors Canada annual report (42pp) – June 2022.
Writing for clients
Consultation support and report writing: National Action Plan to End Gender Based Violence: Community Engagement Initiative. Multi-member consultation support and member-directed summary report writing. BC Society of Transition Houses, Feb-March, 2021.
Substantive editing
Contract substantive editor: Visions journal, a publication of the Canadian Mental Health Association, BC division, 2021-present. Includes copy editing and proofreading.
Recent structural, stylistic and copy editing
Chapter: Managing officials’ heart distress in China: Interpretive labor, the heart, and Wang Yangming’s moral psychology. Jie Yang, SFU, second draft, 2022.
English language edits: Comparing Etymological Characteristics in Plant Naming in the Yakut, Even and Evenk Languages. M. Ocoposa (Russian as first language). In press, 2021.
Report: Radical Inclusion: Equity and Diversity among Female Faculty at Simon Fraser University. Academic Women of SFU. Vancouver, August, 2020.
Conference paper: “Managing Officials’ Heart Distress in China.” J. Yang. Delivered to the American Anthropological Association annual meeting. Vancouver, November, 2019.
Journal article: “Interpersonal and institutional ethnic discrimination, and mental health in a random sample of Palestinian minority men smokers in Israel.” Daoud N, Gao M, Osman A, Muntaner C. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 2018; 53(10); 1111-1122.
Memoir: The Survival Story of a Six-Year-Old Boy: A Memoir by Fishel Goldig. Montreal: self-published, 2017.
Monographs: Mental Health in China: Change, Tradition and Therapeutic Governance. J. Yang. Cambridge and New York: Polity Press, 2017.
Unknotting the Heart: Unemployment and therapeutic governance in China. J. Yang. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2015.
Teaching Plato in Palestine: Philosophy in a divided world. C. Fraenkel. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2015.
Cinematic Identity: Anatomy of a problem film. C. Patton. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2007.
Edited volume: Critical Inquiries for Social Justice in Mental Health. M. Morrow & C. Varcoe, Eds. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017.
Journal article: “Neighborhood settings, types of social capital and depression among immigrants in Toronto.” Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 2016; 51(4); 529-538.
Copy edits only
Paper: “Gendering public space: contrasting definitions of violence and the making of illegitimate others.” M. Leiber and H. Le Bail. Journal article prepared for publication, 2018.
Manual: Children Who Witness Abuse Program: Best Practices Toolkit. L. Godard, R. Wong, and S. Bhatia. BC Society of Transition Houses, 2017
Monograph: Evidence for Health: From Patient Choice to Global Policy. A. Andermann. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
Scholarly report: Social Inequities and Mental Health: A Scoping Review. R. Ingram, A. Wasik, R. Cormier and M. Morrow. Center for the Study of Gender Social Inequities and Mental Health, 2013.
Literary: What Happened: A Five Act Play. English to French co-translation of Gertrude Stein play, with A. Frank, A.-L. Paulmont, and F. Collay. Completed 2019. Unpublished.
Scholarly: French to English translation of “Principal ongoing mutations of the cultural and informational industries.” B. Miège. In The Political Economies of Media: The Transformation of the Global Media Industries. D. Winseck & Dal Yong Jin, Eds. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2011.
Freelance Writing
Online magazine article: “Women’s Work and Fashion: The Living History of Women,” All Lit Up.
Magazine feature: “Fighting Words: Arguments Don’t Have to Be Bitter.” Chatelaine Magazine.
News story: “At UBC it’s Poetry in Motion.” Vancouver Sun.
News story: “Bizarre Artist Strips Soul Bare.” Georgia Straight.
Book Reviews
Keeping Count, by M. Travis Lane
Common Brown House Moths, by Laura Zacharin
Treaty#, by Armand Garnet Ruffo
Cold Metal Stairs, by Su Croll